by labsul | mar 20, 2024 | Publications

LabSul sent contributions to the Call to inform the report of the United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism in online hate speech to the 78th session of the General Assembly to prepare her report to the 78th session of the General Assembly on the topic of online hate speech.
The aim was to receive contributions on the topic of online hate speech and, in particular, invite interested parties to provide information and share their views on the following points, such as The different forms and manifestations of online hate speech, How those who face discrimination on grounds such as race, ethnicity, nationality, descent, religion, migratory status and/or LGBTI status experience online hate speech experience online hate speech, The nexus between online hate speech and false information, The role of private companies in preventing and addressing online hate speech, among others.
In report A/78/538, entitled “Contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance,” the Special Rapporteur presents an overview of the international legal framework relating to racist hate speech online and articulates the corresponding responsibilities of States and companies. She then analyzes some of the challenges faced in preventing and tackling racist hate speech online. Finally, it will present conclusions and recommendations on how states and other stakeholders can prevent and combat racist hate speech online.
LabSul’s contributions are referenced on page 11 of the Report, with the contribution to the Real-life consequences of racist hate speech online.
Link: https://acesse.dev/wk2mp
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