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- Projects | LabSul
PROJECTS LABSUL CONTRIBUTES TO THE C20 MEETING ON DIGITALIZATION AND TECHNOLOGY TO CONCLUDE THE "FINAL POLICY BRIEF" by labsul | mai 23, 2024 On May 23, 2024, LabSul actively participated in the meeting of the WG7 Digitalization and Technology of the C20, dedicated to closing the "Final Policy Brief." This important meeting brought together representatives from various civil society organizations forming part of the G20 Engagement Group to ensure that civil society's recommendations and demands are heard by world leaders... LABSUL MINISTERS WORKSHOP ON DISINFORMATION IN THE STF by labsul | set 17, 2023 LABSUL, through a representative, gave a Workshop entitled “Social Media, Disinformation and Content Moderation” for Federal Supreme Court (STF) employees, within the scope of the Program to Combat Disinformation, on September 16, 2022. The program promoted by the STF... LABSUL’S COLLABORATION WITH THE NIST WORKING GROUP IN THE U.S. ON GENERATIVE IA by labsul | jun 22, 2023 On March 30, 2023, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) launched the Trustworthy and Responsible AI Resource Center to facilitate implementation and international alignment on the issue of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). On June 22,... LABSUL MINISTERS WORKSHOP ON DISINFORMATION IN THE TSE by labsul | mar 11, 2024 A representative of LABSUL ministered at the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) on June 29 and 30, 2022, a Workshop entitled “Social Media, Disinformation and Content Moderation” for members of the Special Advisory Office for Combating Disinformation (AEED), responsible... LABSUL PARTICIPATES IN THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM MEETING ON IDENTITY IN THE METAVERSE by labsul | jul 20, 2023 LABSUL participates as an Expert Advisor to the Global Coalition for Digital Security at the World Economic Forum through researcher Gustavo Silveira Borges, a public-private platform for global multi-stakeholder cooperation to develop innovations and promote... LABSUL JOINS A COMMITTEE AT THE CNJ TO CONTRIBUTE TO HOMELESS PEOPLE AND DIGITAL INCLUSION by labsul | jun 1, 2022 LABSUL now has representation as a member of the PopRuaJud National Committee of the National Council of Justice (CNJ), under the coordination of the Permanent Commission for Social Policies and Citizen Development of the CNJ, through Ordinance CNJ, of May 31, nº 180... LABSUL PARTICIPATES IN PROJECT ALIGNMENT MEETING AT THE INSTITUTO PALAVRA ABERTA by labsul | out 27, 2023 LABSUL participates in a meeting to align digital education projects, reflecting on the global scenario, with director Patricia Blanco at the Palavra Aberta Institute. The Institute's mission is to promote and encourage democratic freedoms. LABSUL PARTICIPATES IN A RESEARCH ON DISINFORMATION IN THE JUDICIARY AT AMB/CPJ AND UNESCO by labsul | jul 17, 2023 LABSUL members Gustavo Silveira Borges and Vivian Maria CaxambuGraminho participated as consultants in the research entitled “What is disinformation in the Brazilian judiciary?: An analysis of the jurisprudence of the superior courts on fake news” in a national survey...
- Courses and Events | LabSul
COURSES AND EVENTS LabSul IN THE SENATE: DEBATING RESTRICTIONS ON CRIME REPORTING IN SCHOOLS by labsul | out 22, 2024 LabSul, represented by Executive Director Gustavo Borges, took part in a debate promoted by the Communication and Digital Law Commission (CCDD) in the Senate. The debate discussed restrictions on reporting crimes in schools. The meeting aimed to reflect on the limits between press freedom and the need to protect the school environment from possible incitement to fear and violence... SPECIAL PARTICIPATION IN THE CNJ AI WORKING GROUP LECTURE AND RELEVANT DISCUSSIONS by labsul | jun 21, 2024 On June 20, 2024, Gustavo Borges spoke to the Artificial Intelligence Working Group of the National Council of Justice (CNJ), chaired by Justice Villas Bôas Cueva of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ). We want to thank Councillor Luiz Fernando Bandeira and the Judge of the National Court of Justice, Roberta, for the invitation and the opportunity to participate in this important event... LABSUL IS THE ONLY BRAZILIAN REPRESENTATIVE AT THE PARLlAMENTARIANS EVENT ON AI IN ARGENTINA by labsul | jun 04, 2024 LabSul has been invited by the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF) to participate in the First Regional Summit of Parliamentarians, "Artificial Intelligence and the Latin American Agenda", which will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina... LABSUL DISCUSSES ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND DEMOCRACY AT EVENT AT FGV DIREITO RJ by labsul | abr 24, 2024 The face-to-face event "AI Regulation, Democracy, and Sovereignty" was held at the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV Direito Rio) on April 24, 2024, at 9 a.m. to discuss artificial intelligence issues... LABSUL PRESENTS “MERCADO LIVRE” CASE STUDY REPORT ON INTERNATIONAL ACTIONS AND GOOD PRACTICES by labsul | out 26, 2023 LABSUL presents a report, "International standards of good practice in e-commerce: Mercado Livre case study," to the legal and government relations team. The report analyzes fundamental concepts of e-commerce and international standards of good practice. We deepened... LABSUL PARTICIPATES IN A PUBLIC HEARING AT THE STF by labsul | mar 29, 2023 LABSUL's participation in the Public Hearing, held on March 28, 2023, at the headquarters of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), in Brasília, in which the rules of the internet civil framework were discussed, under the presidency of Ministers Dias Toffoli and Luiz Fux. ... JUSTICE AND INNOVATIONS CHALLENGES OF THE DIGITAL AGE IN THE 12TH INSTITUTIONAL WEEK OF THE JUDGE by labsul |set 16, 2024 The 12th Institutional Week of the Judiciary, held between September 10 and 12, focused on the challenges facing the Labor Courts in the face of new technologies and the impact of disruptive processes on the jurisdiction. The event brought magistrates, experts, and researchers together to debate fairness, workers' mental health, and using artificial intelligence in the legal field... LABSUL PARTICIPATES IN THE SUMMIT OF PARLIAMENTARIANS ON AI IN LATIN AMERICA by labsul | jun 17, 2024 On June 14, 2024, Argentina's Chamber of Deputies hosted the 1st Parliamentarians' Summit to discuss Latin America's Artificial Intelligence (AI) regulatory agenda. The event, organized by the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF), was attended by Senators and Deputies from several countries, including Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay... LABSUl VISITS THE AUTONOMOUS NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF MEXICO UNAM by labsul | mai 05, 2024 LabSul, through its representative Gustavo Silveira Borges, visited the campus of the Universidade Nacional Autônoma do México (UNAM), an international reference in research and innovation, on May 4, organized by Professor Pablo Pruneda, to discuss joint efforts to combat disinformation in the electoral... FREEDOM OF RELIGION OR BELIEF ON THE INTERNET IS ADDRESSED IN TRAINING ACTIONS by labsul | nov 10, 2023 Through collaboration on the project "Freedom of Religion or Belief on the Internet: The Protection of Human Rights in the Information Society," education and training activities were carried out by members of LABSUL. Five educational and training sessions were held... LABSUL MINISTERS CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AT AN EVENT AT THE TRT-17 JUDICIAL SCHOOL IN ESPÍRITO SANTO by labsul | ago 19, 2023 Member of LABSUL Lecturer on the topic "The New Artificial Intelligence Tools and their Application in the Legal World" in the panel "Justice 4.0, Digital Evidence, Jurimetry, ChatGPT, Visual Law, Hypertext and Jurisdictional Activity: Ethical and Legal Aspects", at... LABSUL PARTICIPATES IN AN EVENT AT THE STF ON DISINFORMATION by labsul | fev 28, 2023 LABSUL, through a representative, participated in the meeting of the "Program to Combat Disinformation of the Federal Supreme Court" on February 27, 2023, Monday, from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm, in the session room of the First Panel of the Court, coordinated by the... LABSUL TAKES PART IN IMMERSION IN INTERNET INTEGRITY AND SECURITY AT INTERNETLAB SCHOOL byl absul | jul 01, 2024 From June 23 to 29, 2024, LabSul participated in an intense week of activities at the InternetLab School. The event brought together 35 selected members of the public and private sectors, civil society organizations, and academia for an in-depth look at integrity and security on the Internet... CNJ HOSTS WORKSHOP ON AI IN THE JUDICIARY WITH LABSULS PARTICIPATION by labsul | jun 10, 2024 On June 20, 2024, LabSul will attend the National Council of Justice (CNJ). Our representative, Gustavo Borges, will give a workshop on applying Artificial Intelligence in European courts aimed at the Judiciary's Artificial Intelligence Working Group... LABSUL PARTICIPATES IN C20 WORKING GROUP ON DIGITALIZATION AND TECHNOLOGY by labsul | abr 25, 2024 Through researcher Gustavo Silveira Borges, LabSul took part in the working group entitled "Digitalization and Technology" of the C20 (Civil Society) to develop strategies for protecting the integrity of information on digital platforms... LABSUL PARTICIPATES IN EVENT FOR JUDICIAL SCHOOLS IN THE SOUTH REGION by labsul | nov 10, 2023 On November 10, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., LABSUL gave a workshop entitled "Disinformation/Fake News and the Impacts on the Judiciary" by Gustavo Silveira Borges at the 1st Meeting of the Judicial Schools of the Southern Region. The event took place from November 8 to... LABSUL PARTICIPATES IN INTERNATIONAL EVENT ON RELIGIOUS FREEDOM AND INTERNET IN BRASÍLIA by labsul | ago 11, 2023 From August 8 to 10, 2023, the International Center for Studies in Law and Religion – ICLRS, the School of Law at Brigham Young University - BYU (USA), in collaboration with the Brazilian Center for Studies in Law and Religion - CEDIRE, a research group based at the... LABSUL PARTICIPATES IN EVENT IN OXFORD ABOUT MEDIA LAW AND POLICY by labsul | ago 15, 2022 Between August 1st and 12th, the 2022 Media Policy Summer Institute was held at The Program in Comparative Media Law and Policy (PCMLP) is an interdisciplinary program at the Center for Socio-Legal Studies at the University of Oxford (Oxford School of Law) - Oxford...
- Publications | LabSul
PUBLICATIONS ARTIGO: STF E O MARCO CIVIL DA INTERNET – REFLEXÕES SOBRE A LIBERDADE DE EXPRESSÃO NO AMBIENTE DIGITAL por labsul | jan 27, 2025 O artigo de Gustavo Borges analisa o julgamento do recurso extraordinário 1.037.396 pelo STF, que aborda a constitucionalidade do Artigo 19 do Marco Civil da Internet. O texto destaca como o voto do ministro Luís Roberto Barroso propõe um modelo de responsabilidade que busca equilibrar a liberdade de expressão... SUPREME COURT DISCUSSES THE FUTURE OF FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION IN BRAZIL by labsul | out 21, 2024 The Federal Supreme Court (STF) is ahead of a crucial decision involving freedom of expression and the limits of online speech in Brazil. Gustavo Borges' article explores how the judgment could set new guidelines on digital platforms' liability in cases of fake news and hate speech. The decision is vital for balancing the protection of fundamental rights and security in the digital environment... OVERSIGHT BOARD AND SELF-REGULATION by labsul |set 03, 2024 The article "Oversight Board and its Legitimacy: Genesis of Self-Regulation from Roman Jurisdiction," published in "Pensar - Revista de Ciências Jurídicas," created by the Center for Legal Sciences at the University of Fortaleza (A3), offers a detailed analysis of the origin and legitimacy of self-regulation on digital platforms, inspired by the legal traditions of Ancient Rome. Gustavo Borges, Executive Director of LabSul, contributed significantly to this scientific article, bringing his vision of how modern self-regulatory practices, such as Facebook's Oversight Board, can be guided by ancient principles to promote a more ethical and fair digital environment... REGULATION OF TOMORROW: ARTICLE BY GUSTAVO BORGES ON JOTA.INFO by labsul | jul 03, 2024 Gustavo Borges, Executive Director of LabSul, has published an article on the website about the regulatory agenda for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Latin America. The article highlights the Regional Summit of Latin American Parliamentarians, held in Argentina, where senators and deputies discussed the regulation of AI, the promotion of responsible innovation, and the protection of human rights. Borges emphasizes the importance of adequate regulatory frameworks and collaboration between governments, the private sector, and civil society to address AI's ethical, legal, and social challenges... CONVENING NOTICE ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING by labsul | mai 06, 2024 This notice summons members to the Ordinary General Meeting, which will be held virtually via Google Meet in compliance with articles 12 and 18 of the Bylaws. Subject: Accountability... TSE, AI, AND ELECTORAL PROPAGANDA: ADVANCES AND REGULATORY OBSTACLES by Gustavo Borges | mar 11, 2024 On March 1, the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) published 12 electoral resolutions amending Resolution 23.610/2019, reported by Vice-President Justice Cármen Lúcia, establishing the guidelines for the 2024 municipal elections. These changes were made, as provided for... LABSUL PARTICIPATES IN REPORT ON INTEROPERABILITY IN THE METAVERSE AT THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM by labsul | jul 19, 2023 Participation in the Global Coalition for Digital Security at the World Economic Forum LABSUL participates as an Expert Advisor to the Global Coalition for Digital Security at the World Economic Forum, through researcher Gustavo Silveira Borges, which is a... LABSUL PARTICIPATES IN WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM REPORT ON PRIVACY AND SECURITY IN THE METAVERSE by labsul | mar 10, 2023 LABSUL participates as an Expert Advisor to the Global Coalition for Digital Security at the World Economic Forum through researcher Gustavo Silveira Borges, a public-private platform for global cooperation with various stakeholders to develop innovations and promote... FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AND CONTENT CONTROL AT THE SUPREME COURT by labsul nov 18, 2024 The Federal Supreme Court (STF) is preparing for a historical judgment on 27 November 2024, which will decide Brazil's future of freedom of expression. Extraordinary appeal 1.037.396 (topic 987 of general repercussion) discusses the constitutionality of Article 19 of the Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet, which establishes that digital platforms can only be held responsible for user content by a court decision... NOTICE OF ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING by labsul | out 10, 2024 Members are hereby summoned to an Ordinary General Meeting in compliance with articles 12, 18, and 31 of the Bylaws. The meeting will be held virtually via Google Meet. ANPD AND AI TRAINING: DATA PROTECTION AND HUMAN RIGHTS by labsul | jul 30, 2024 In an article published in Conjur, Gustavo Borges, Executive Director of LabSul, explores the implications of the suspension by the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) of the use of personal data by Meta for artificial intelligence training. Borges analyzes how the decision aims to ensure compliance with the General Data Protection Law (LGPD), protecting individuals against the misuse of their information. He highlights the importance of data processing practices that respect human rights and avoid perpetuating prejudice and discrimination... UN LAUNCHES GLOBAL PRINCIPLES FOR INFORMATION INTEGRITY by labsul | jun 28, 2024 In June 2024, the UN presented the Global Principles for Information Integrity, emphasizing the need for unprecedented collaboration between governments, technology companies, the media, and advertisers on a global scale to combat disinformation and hate speech amplified by artificial intelligence. Secretary-General António Guterres highlighted the need to create a safe information environment that respects human rights... METAVERSE IN THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM’S COLLABORATIVE REPORTS by labsul | mar 20, 2024 LabSul participated, through its executive director, in the meetings and preparation of two collaborative reports published by the World Economic Forum: 📍 "Metaverse Identity: Defining the Self in a Blended Reality"Report: 📍 "Navigating the... LABSUL PARTICIPATES IN ARTICLE PUBLISHED ON THE UNITED NATIONS BRAZIL WEBSITE by labsul | dez 6, 2023 LABSUL participated in the publication of an article entitled "Political violence and gender disinformation in Brazil" on the United Nations Brazil website. Gustavo Borges published the article in partnership with Paula Tavares, a Global Fellow at the Brazil Institute... LABSUL SENDS A CONTRIBUTION ON ONLINE HATE SPEECH TO THE UN by labsul | jun 23, 2023 A Call for Contributions was opened to inform the report of the United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism in online hate speech to the 78th session of the General Assembly to prepare her report to the 78th session of the General Assembly... LABSUL PARTICIPATES IN THE TASK FORCE OF THE CNJ IN RORAIMA ON DIGITAL INCLUSION OF ATTENTION TO INDIGENOUS AND VENEZUELANS’ REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS IN SITUATION OF THE STREET by labsul | mar 5, 2023 A member of LABSUL participated in the Task Force of the National Council of Justice for a technical visit in Boa Vista, between March 1st and 3rd, 2023, to the State of Roraima, together with Counselor Mário Goulart Maia and Federal Judges, to assist the indigenous... COMBATING DISINFORMATION BY THE BRAZILIAN JUDICIARY: INITIATIVES FOR THE 2024 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS by labsul | out 22, 2024 In a recent article by the Wilson Center, Gustavo Borges, Executive Director of LabSul, analyzes the Brazilian judiciary's actions to combat disinformation in the 2024 municipal elections. Borges highlights the importance of tools that can monitor and contain the circulation of fake news, considering its direct impact on democracy... AGE VERIFICATION ON PLATFORMS: A SAFEGUARD UNDER CONSTRUCTION by labsul |set 17, 2024 In the article “Age verification on platforms: a safeguard under construction,” published in Migalhas, LabSul's Executive Director Gustavo Borges analyzes the challenges and needs of age verification on digital platforms. He highlights how this measure is crucial to protecting children and adolescents from the risks of online exposure and inappropriate content, stressing that implementing these policies is an ongoing construction... DIGITAL HUMAN RIGHTS: THE FUTURE IS NOW by labsul | jul 05, 2024 In his new article published on the Migalhas website, Gustavo Borges, executive director of LabSul, addresses the urgent need to protect human rights in the digital environment. Entitled "Digital Human Rights: The Future is Now," the article discusses how rapid technological innovations, especially in artificial intelligence, require adaptations in legislation and public policies... LABSUL'S CONTRIBUTION TO CYBERSECURITY IN THE METAVERSE: PARTICIPATION IN THE PREPARATION OF THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM REPORT by labsul | jun 26, 2024 In June 2024, as part of the ongoing work of the governance track of the World Economic Forum's Defining and Building the Metaverse Initiative, a briefing paper was produced outlining the unique cybersecurity challenges associated with the metaverse and the next phase of the Internet... UN ADOPTS LABSUL’S CONTRIBUTIONS ON ONLINE HATE SPEECH by labsul | mar 20, 2024 LabSul sent contributions to the Call to inform the report of the United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism in online hate speech to the 78th session of the General Assembly to prepare her report to the 78th session of the General Assembly... THE WAR OF DISINFORMATION AND FOREIGN INTERFERENCE IN LATINAMERICA by labsul | nov 27, 2023 Gustavo Borges e Felipe Prestes* Hyperconnectivity has created onlife experiences where online and offline experiences are indistinguishable. This represents a fundamental change for democracy, which needs to adapt to this new reality. In the context of information... LABSUL PARTICIPATES IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE STATE POLICY OF THE PUBLIC DEFENDER'S OFFICE OF AMAZONAS FOR THE CARE OF HOMELESS PEOPLE AND DIGITAL INCLUSION by labsul | jun 8, 2023 Members of LabSul participated in the construction of the Amazonas State Public Defender's Office's State Policy for Attention to Homeless People and their Intersectionalities... LABSUL PARTICIPATES IN WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM REPORT ON PRIVACY AND SECURITY IN THE METAVERSE by labsul | jan 11, 2023 LABSUL participates as an Expert Advisor to the Global Coalition for Digital Security at the World Economic Forum through researcher Gustavo Silveira Borges, a public-private platform for global cooperation with various stakeholders to develop innovations and promote...
- Home | LabSul
LABSUL Laboratory of Human Rights and New Technologies Explore the intersection between ethics, innovation and legal challenges in the digital world. LEARN MORE THEMES OF ACTIVITY AND RESEARCH AT LABSUL: PRIVACY AND DATA PROTECTION ONLINE SAFETY OF CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS CONTENT MODERATION, ACCOUNTABILITY AND CIVIL RESPONSIBILITY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE GAMES E DIGITAL WELLNESS FREEDOM OF RELIGION AND RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE DISINFORMATION AND INFORMATION INTEGRITY REGULATION AND GOVERNANCE OF DIGITAL PLATFORMS E-COMMERCE ARTIGO: STF E O MARCO CIVIL DA INTERNET – REFLEXÕES SOBRE A LIBERDADE DE EXPRESSÃO NO AMBIENTE DIGITAL por labsul | jan 27, 2025 | Publicações O artigo de Gustavo Borges analisa o julgamento do recurso extraordinário 1.037.396 pelo STF, que aborda a constitucionalidade do Artigo 19 do Marco Civil da Internet. O texto destaca como o voto do ministro Luís Roberto Barroso propõe um modelo de responsabilidade que busca equilibrar a liberdade de expressão... Botão EXPLORING KNOWLEDGE Discover insights and in-depth analysis in our publications. Browse various topics in our featured publications, from human rights to technological innovations. SEE MORE PUBLICATIONS TRAINING AND EXPERIENCES Explore learning opportunities and take part in impactful events. Invest in your development with specialized courses and immerse yourself in transformative experiences with our featured events. SEE MORE COURSES AND EVENTS LabSul IN THE SENATE: DEBATING RESTRICTIONS ON CRIME REPORTING IN SCHOOLS by labsul | out 22, 2024 | Courses and Events LabSul, represented by Executive Director Gustavo Borges, took part in a debate promoted by the Communication and Digital Law Commission (CCDD) in the Senate. The debate discussed restrictions on reporting crimes in schools. The meeting aimed to reflect on the limits between press freedom and the need to protect the school environment from possible incitement to fear and violence... Botão LABSUL CONTRIBUTES TO THE C20 MEETING ON DIGITALIZATION AND TECHNOLOGY TO CONCLUDE THE "FINAL POLICY BRIEF" by labsul | mai 23, 2024 | Projetos On May 23, 2024, LabSul actively participated in the meeting of the WG7 Digitalization and Technology of the C20, dedicated to closing the "Final Policy Brief." This important meeting brought together representatives from various civil society organizations forming part of the G20 Engagement Group to ensure that civil society's recommendations and demands are heard by world leaders... Botão IMPACTFUL TRANSFORMATIONS Discover our impactful projects that make a difference in society. Explore how we are shaping the future with projects that encompass human rights, technology, and innovation. SEE MORE PROJECTS CONTACT US Please use the contact form opposite to send us your message. We are also available on our digital platforms. ENVIAR
- What we do | LabSul
EMPOWERMENT IN HUMAN RIGHTS AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES We democratize digital education with innovative courses and materials, training in safe internet, digital economy, and rights. RESPONSIBLE INNOVATION Building an Ethical and Sustainable Digital Future We explore initiatives and projects for sustainable technological development, aligning scientific advances with ethical responsibility. We address public policies, human rights, and technological innovations that promote a fairer and more equitable society with a positive impact on the environment and social interactions. The image represents the symbiosis between technology and ecology, reflecting our commitment to a harmonious future. INCLUSIVE PUBLIC POLICIES Guiding the public and private sectors We highlight LabSul as a builder of materials that support government actions, public policies, the drafting of laws, and other legal acts. We explore the development of public policy projects, covering topics such as technology, law, politics, psychology, economics, culture, development, and democracy. The image represents the constant dialog between the public and private sectors, guided by an ethical and informed vision. CONNECTING KNOWLEDGE AND SOCIETY INTERCONNECTION OF KNOWLEDGE We promote an open and interdisciplinary dialog between academia, technology, and legal challenges, enriching our understanding and action on relevant societal issues. DESIGNING THE SOCIAL FUTURE We develop innovative solutions in public and social policies, contributing to progress in crucial areas such as law, politics, economics, and culture. TRANSFORMATION THROUGH KNOWLEDGE We provide accessible information to empower the population, promoting courses, campaigns, and innovative materials on democracy, technology, and fundamental rights.
- Who we are | LabSul
MISSION AND THEMATIC FOCUS Defining Directions for Research into New Technologies LabSul, Laboratory of Human Rights and New Technologies in the Global South has research and action on the ethical and legal challenges of new technologies in the information society as its central mission. Human rights, public policies, new technologies, the digital economy, and education are the key thematic areas that shape our work agenda. THE BASIC OF OUR COMMIMENT Etchics, Interdisciplinariry and Scientific Rigor Ethics, interdisciplinarity, and scientific rigor are the pillars that guide all of LabSul’s activities. As a non-profit, non-partisan civil association committed to autonomy and freedom of scientific production, our structure reflects our commitment to fundamental values. GLOBAL ACTION, LOCAL IMPACT Although our work is global, we focus on understanding and tackling the specific challenges of Latin America and Brazil. INNOVATION FOR THE FUTURE Exploring technological advancements and their ethical implications. EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES Building strong collaborations for significant social impact. IMPACTFUL PARTNERSHIPS Operating globally, but with a focus on the specific demands of our region. GLOBAL AND LOCAL
- Institutional | LabSul
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- Vision | LabSul
OUR VISION LATIN AMERICAN REFERENCE Our vision is to establish ourselves as a Latin American reference center in the field of Human Rights and New Technologies. We aim to drive discussions, projects, and research that transcend borders, addressing the ethical-legal complexities inherent in this dynamic field. FOUNDATIONS FOR EXCELLENCE REGIONAL COLLABORATION We foster strong partnerships with Latin American institutions and experts to strengthen the exchange of knowledge and experience. CONTINUOUS INNOVATION We are committed to constantly searching for innovative approaches, encouraging research and projects that anticipate changes in the intersections between human rights and new technologies. MULTIDISCIPLINARY DIALOG We promote an open dialogue between different disciplines, recognize the complexity of ethical and legal challenges, and seek integrated and holistic solutions.
- Board | LabSul
- Team | LabSul
OUR TEAM BENÍCIO F. DOS SANTOS Ph.D. student in Law and Coordinator of Public Policies and Innovation CV FÁBIO JEREMIAS DE SOUZA Master's student in Law and Coordinator of the Human Rights and New Technologies area CV LEONARDO ANDRÉ SCHILLING Master’s in Law and Coordinator of the Digital Economy area CV ANNA CAROLINA PINHO Master of Laws and Researcher CV CLEIDE CALGARO Ph.D. in Law and Researcher CV FELIPE ROCHA Master of Laws and Researcher CV ISABELA CESCA DA COSTA Bachelor of Laws and Researcher TEAM RICARDO DE SOUZA MELLO Master’s student in Law and Researcher CV MARIA EUGENIA B. DE MELO Master of Laws and Researcher CV PATRICIA LONGARETTI Master of Laws and Researcher CV FELIPE PINHEIRO PRESTES Master’s in Law and Researcher CV MARIANA MAZUCO CARLESSI Master of Laws and Coordinator of the Digital Education area CV PRISCILA KLEIN Web Designer OUR TEAM
- Mission | LabSul
OUR MISSION COMMITTED TO ETHICAL AND LEGAL EXCELLENCE Our mission is to provide excellence in research and action related to new technologies’ ethical and legal challenges. We seek to lead efforts that contribute to understanding and solving these challenges in a dynamic and constantly evolving environment. FOUNDATIONS FOR EXCELLENCE ETHICAL-JURIDICAL RIGOROUS RESEARCH We are committed to quality, rigorous, and innovative research, exploring new technologies’ ethical and legal complexities. IMPACTFUL ACTIONS We develop actions that have a real impact, promoting positive changes in the interaction between society and new technologies. EDUCATION COMMITTED We promote education and awareness regarding ethical-legal challenges, sharing knowledge to empower society in the face of technological changes.